Staging Services

Take the Stress Out of Selling 

Don’t let less-than-list-worthy kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms stop you from selling your home for top dollar. Our expert staging services will showcase the true potential of your space, demonstrating to potential buyers just how beautiful and inviting your space can be, without you lifting a finger!

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Home Staging 

For Homeowners, Builders and Real Estate Agents

Home staging is used to give a potential buyer a visual of how their new home could look. A lot of people need a little help to see the full potential. We'll use our expertise to showcase all the wonderful things about your space and cover up the not so wonderful things - so your home can sell quickly and with less stress on your part. 

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Design Consultations

For Homeowners, Builders and Real Estate Agents

Prepare your home to hit the market with this invaluable consultation service. Sellers can find it hard to not take things personally when listing their home. We'll offer the impartial point of views of the buyer as we will walk you through the home and talk about improvements you can make to enhance the chances of selling. If you decide to use our staging or design services, the price of the consult will be deducted from your total cost 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why should I spend money on Staging?

Answer: Because when a home is professionally staged you will on average see a 10% better sales price! More money in your pocket. 

Q: What difference could it possibly make?

A: Competition can be stiff, what is going to make you stand out? By using Elevated Home as your professional stager we will provide you with a better online presence, maybe help buyer’s overlook certain eye sores. 

Q: Why would I need to hire a designer, I can do it myself? I love HGTV.

A: Simply put not everything is as easy as it looks on TV. Avoid making costly mistakes and let us help create value in your home. 

Q: Will you clean and organize the space as part of the staging?

A: No, we will be happy to provide a referral for a company that does. The home needs to be cleaned and ready for staging.

Meet Your Designer

Calli Schouten

Whether you're looking to stage your home to sell or create a space you love, I'm here to support you by listening to your needs and ideas, and creating a customized plan to fit your style and budget.

"Calli staged a spec home we built here in St. George.. At first I was very leery of spending the money on staging. Calli took the time to go through the benefits and showed us how it could really showcase our home. I am happy to say that the home sold in just three days. It was a great experience for us and we will use her again."

What Our Clients Say

- Kevin Collotzi 

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Let Us Help You Transform Your Home

We offer a wide range of solutions to fit your needs. Whether you want full staging support, done-for-you interior design or just a consultation, we’re here to help.

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